Breakfast and the T in Boston – Part 2

Part 1 of the Boston tales is here!


We stood in line for the famous cannolis at Mike’s Pastry in North End of Boston. And successfully, might I add. The plain ricotta cannoli is just absolutely gorgeous. We did read up on the “Cannoli Wars” between Mike’s and Modern, but ended up at Mike’s following one article. Now, I can’t compare the two, since I haven’t had Modern’s, but I loved this cannoli. Just enough sweet and perfect amount of flaky pastry.

Speaking of food, who decide what constitutes breakfast food, anyway? I had some great Greek-based pancakes for dinner one night and fluffy filled omelets for brunch the next day. They tasted good and that means I can have them whenever I want! And the best part about the brunch place was that the menu was vegetarian and it makes me happy to see a huge selection of meals for a vegetarian and not just one de-facto option without meat. That weekend was great culinary escape for me, given my abysmal state at cooking things for myself here. Apart from the fact that we ate at nice places, the friend could also cook. South Indian home food after a long while.

The Piano is my favourite instrument. Not that I know how to play, or what the different parts of it are, but its sounds are simply amazing. Piano music is the best, is what I’d say. So, anyway, how pianos connect with Boston is that there was a Street Piano Festival around the time I was there, and basically lots of these popular places around Boston had Pianos on the streets and anyone could play them. Some of the few we saw (and heard) by different people were pretty amazing. And yes, I tried playing on one of them on Newbury Street. Tried to play the “Happy Birthday”tune because that’s the only thing I know.

Image - 11 Oct 2013 17.57.42

And the T? It’s just what they call the subway there. Tube? Tunnel? I’m not sure. It’s a good system, and Charlie cards are much better than using Philly tokens, but I’d maintain that Singapore subway/metro system is better (maybe a little too much of a well oiled machine).

Well, that was one long post split in two. But, Boston was just amazing. Must visit again when there is no government shutdown and such.

Until next time, this Chennai girl is holding onto all the pairs of socks and gloves to keep herself warm.

One can never have too many pairs of socks.

5 thoughts on “Breakfast and the T in Boston – Part 2

    1. It was 3 degrees Celsius the minute I walked out of the bus. And sort of fluctuating between 10 and 15 after that. Imagine that I would like to have even just a quarter of Chennai’s heat and that that’s how cold it is. 😛


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